
The following list compiles events which are organized or supported by MACCI. It does not include individual presentations which are part of either the Mannheim Competition Policy Forum (MCPF) or the Mannheim Law and Economics Forum (MALEF). Those are listed on separate pages.

Upcoming Events

Past Events


MaCCI/JRC Workshop on Digital Economics

The workshop will feature three sessions: two afternoon sessions (from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm) with presentations in the context of the Digital Services…

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MCPF as a Part of the MaCCI Law & Economics Conference 2024 (Panel Discussion)

Title: Welfare Standard in Merger Control: Beyond Consumer Surplus?

Speaker: Elisabetta Iossa (Italian Competition Authority), Tristan Rohner (University of Düsseldorf), and Stefan Thomas (University of Tübingen)

Moderator: Chiara Fumagalli (Bocconi University)

Location: ZEW, L7,1, 68161…

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10.06.2024 - 14.06.2024

MaCCI Summer Institute in Competition Policy

Jugendstilhotel Trifels, Annweiler, Germany

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Defining the Relevant Market: Comments on the New EC Notice

Speaker: Benoît Durand (RBB)

Location: University of Mannheim, room S 031, in L7, 3-5

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16.05.2024 - 17.05.2024

MaCCI-CREST Workshop

Location: École Polytechnique/ENSAE, Paris

Organisation: Laurent Linnemer (École Polytechnique/ENSAE) and Nicolas Schutz (University of Mannheim)

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Regulating the Agri-food Supply Chain

Speaker: Niccolo Ciulli (EuroCommerce)

Location: University of Mannheim, room S 031, in L7, 3-5

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A Deep Look Into the Chiller Cabinet: The Merger Case Theo Müller / Royal Friesland Campina

Speaker: Christoph Wigger (Bundeskartellamt)

Location: University of Mannheim, room S 031, in L7, 3-5

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MCPF as Part of the MaCCI Annual Conference 2024

Speaker: Pinar Akman (University of Leeds)

Location: ZEW, L7,1, 68161 Mannheim, Germany

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