MaCCI Alumni
This is a list of former MaCCI members and their last known affiliation. MaCCI Alumni are entitled to free participation in the MaCCI Annual Conference. If you would like us to update your information or if you are missing in this list, please contact
- Alessandra Alloca (LMU Munich)
- Robert Arons
- Malin Arve (NHH Norwegian School of Economics)
- Robert Aue (Landesrechnungshof Schleswig-Holstein)
- Janna Axenbeck (Umweltbundesamt)
- Benjamin Balzer (University of Technology Sydney)
- Florian Baumann (University of Bonn)
- Vanessa Behrens (WIPO Geneva)
- Oliver Belitz (Bird & Bird)
- Marius Berger (OECD Paris)
- Johannes Bersch (Saarland Ministry of Finance and Science)
- Francesco Clavora Braulin (Italian Competition Authority (AGCM))
- Miriam Buiten (University of St.Gallen)
- Adriano De Leverano
- Bianka Dinger (RSM Ebner Stolz)
- Isis Durmeyer (Toulouse School of Economics)
- Niklas Dürr (Deutsche Bahn)
- Andreas Engert (Freie U. Berlin)
- Franco Esteban Cattaneo (CompassLexecon)
- Florian Ferrenberg (Hengeler Mueller)
- Raffaele Fiocco (University of Bergamo)
- Stefan Frübing (Bundeskartellamt)
- Jacopo Gambato (University of Vienna)
- Tommaso Gasparini (Banque de France)
- Philippe Gillen (Negotiation Advisory Group)
- Susanne Goldlücke (University of Konstanz)
- Vitali Gretschko (University of Münster)
- Carl-Christan Groh (University of Bonn)
- Jeanne Hagenbach (SciencesPo)
- Nadine Hahn (German Monopolies Commission)
- Sven Heim (MinesParisTech)
- Michael Hellwig (ZIA Berlin)
- Philipp Herrmann (SZA)
- Paul Hünermund (University of Maastricht)
- Kai Hüschelrath (Schmalkalden University of Applied Science)
- Federico Innocenti (University of Verona)
- Jan Klement (University of Freiburg, Law) [Public Law, Economic Analysis of Law]
- Harim Kim (NHH Norwegian School of Economics)
- Michael Kummer (University of East Anglia)
- Marco Kotschedoff (KU Leuven)
- Ulrich Laitenberger (Télécom ParisTech)
- Daniil Larionov (University of Münster)
- Raphaël Levy (HEC Paris)
- Petra Loerke (United Nations)
- Andreas Löschel (University of Münster)
- Moritz Lubczyk (ROCKWOOL Foundation, Berlin)
- Mary-Rose McGuire (University of Osnabrück)
- Vincent Meisner (TU Berlin)
- Alexander Morell (Goethe University Frankfurt, Law)
- Andras Niedermayer (Université Paris-Dauphine)
- Eric Niederprüm (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie)
- Wiam Ouertani (BASF Business Services GmbH)
- Marco Reuter (International Monetary Fund)
- Andreas Rief (Milbank)
- Tobias Riehm (TWS Partners)
- Stefan Russ (BASF)
- Lily Samkharadze (RBB Economics)
- Daniel Savelle (St. Mary's College of Maryland, Economics) [Industrial organization]
- Philip Schmidt-Dengler (University of Vienna)
- Johannes Schneider (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
- Dominik Schober (Deutsche Bundesbank)
- Ulrich G. Schroeter (University of Basel)
- Patrick Schulte (Deutsche Bundesbank)
- Heike Schweitzer (FU Berlin)
- Oleksandr Shcherbakov (Washington University)
- Jan-Peter Siedlarek (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland)
- Olga Slivkó (Rotterdam School of Management)
- Florian Smuda (Bundeskartellamt)
- André Stenzel (Bank of Canada)
- Hidenori Takahashi (Hitotsubashi U., Japan)
- Yuya Takahashi (John Hopkins University, Baltimore)
- Emanuele Tarantino (LUISS Rome)
- Matthias Trinks (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund)
- Eleftheria Triviza (Erasmus School of Economic)
- Markus Trunschke
- Ilona Tsanko (Stadtwerke Heidelberg)
- Fabian Uebele (Sullivan & Cromwell)
- Jonas von Kalben (FU Berlin)
- Peter Vida (Université de Cergy-Pontoise)
- Naoki Wakamori (University of Tokyo)
- Chengsi Wang (Monash University)
- Stefan Weiergräber (Indiana University)
- Tobias Wenzel (University of Düsseldorf and DICE)
- Daniel Widmann (Allan & Overy, Frankfurt)
- Simon Wizemann (Freshfields)
- Christoph Wolf (Bocconi University, Milan)
- Oliver Woll (German Aerospace Center) [Competition and regulation in network industries]
- Yihan Yan (DICE Düsseldorf)
- Aiyong Zhu (Wuhan University)
- Galina Zudenkova (TU Dortmund)