Mannheim Competition Policy Forum (MCPF)

The last couple of years have seen a remarkable increase in the application of economic insights to competition problems. In order to further promote and refine this development, practitioners need to understand how microeconomics can help to shed light on particular aspects of competition problems. At the same time, academics benefit from a better understanding of real-world challenges and institutional details.

The forum aims at providing a platform for the discussion of recent cases, general competition policy issues, and relevant academic research in the field. Renowned practitioners and academics will be invited to present their views on cases and general policy questions, followed by a discussion of the economic implications with the audience.

Starting from the autumn semester 2017, the MCPF is an official part of two master's programmes at the University of Mannheim. Participation is compulsory for economics students in the competition and regulation track and for law students in the master on competition and regulation law.


The MCPF is organised by Professor Martin Peitz and Professor Jens-Uwe Franck.


The series typically takes place on about six Thursdays during term. Presentations start at 5.15 p.m. and last for up to one hour including questions. Afterwards, most participants stay for further informal discussions. Presenters, dates, locations and topics are provided in the schedule below.


University of Mannheim, room S 031, in L7, 3-5 unless otherwise specified. This is the building of the economics department, entrance vis-à-vis ZEW, in the basement to the right.

Upcoming Events


Towards an Effective Use of Economics in the Enforcement of Article 102 TFEU to Exclusionary Abuse of Dominance

Speaker: Anastasia Shchepetova (Oxera Consulting LLP, Paris)

Location: University of Mannheim, room S 031, in L7, 3-5

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MCPF as Part of the MaCCI Annual Conference 2025

Title: Towards the End of the Ordoliberal Compact in EU Competition Law?

Speaker: Pablo Ibáñez Colomo (London School of Economics)

Location: ZEW, L7,1, 68161 Mannheim, Germany

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Evidentiary Value of Economic and Econometric Evidence in Civil Litigation

Speaker: Kai Brauneisen (Mannheim Regional Court)

Location: University of Mannheim, room S 031, in L7, 3-5

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Past Events


The Antitrust Debate Around Microsoft/Activision

Speaker: Matteo Foschi (CRA)

Location: University of Mannheim, room S 031, in L7, 3-5


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Assessing EU Merger Control Through Compensating Efficiencies – MCPF as Part of the CLEEN Conference

Speaker: Tomaso Duso (German Monopolies Commission and German Institute for Economic Research (DIW))

Location: University of Mannheim, room S 031, in L7, 3-5

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The EU Taxonomy Regulation: The Dispute over the Commission’s Green Label for Sustainable Investments in the Energy Sector

Speaker: Korbinian Reiter (Redeker Sellner Dahs)

Location: University of Mannheim, room S 031, in L7, 3-5

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Information Exchange and Private Enforcement

Speaker: Daniel Petzold (Gleiss)

Location: University of Mannheim, room S 031, in L7, 3-5

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MCPF as Part of the MaCCI Annual Conference 2023

Speaker: Niamh Dunne (London School of Economics)

Location: ZEW Mannheim, in L 7, 1

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Impact of Gatekeeper Regulation on Digital Markets & Online Platforms

Speaker: Anselm Rodenhausen (Zalando SE)

Location: University of Mannheim, room S 031, in L7, 3-5

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Competition and Societal Goals in the Retail Energy Market: Economics, Politics and Pragmatism

Speaker: Paul de Bijl (ACM (Authority for Consumers and Markets, Netherlands))

Location: University of Mannheim, room S 031, in L7, 3-5

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Merger Control in Digital Markets: The Meta/Kustomer Case

Speaker: Sandro Gleave (German Federal Cartel Office)

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Legal and Liability Standards for Developing Countries

Speaker: James Hodge (Chief Economist, Chair of the Online Platforms Market Inquiry and Acting Deputy Commissioner, Competition Commission of South Africa)

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