News Archive


MaCCI Member Joins the Board of the Journal of Industrial Economics as Associate Editor

MaCCI member Nicolas Schutz has become associate editor of the Journal of Industrial Economics.

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MaCCI Member Lei Li Appointed as CESifo Research Fellow

Our MaCCI member Lei Li has been appointed CESifo Research Fellow in the Global Economy Area.

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MaCCI Board Member Bernhard Ganglmair on Expert Panel at FRC

MaCCI board member Bernhard Ganglmair participated in a panel discussion at the Financial Reporting Council, UK's regulator of auditors, accountants, and actuaries. The panel was part of the Workshop on Competition and Innovation in the UK Audit Market, organised by the Centre of Competition Policy…

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MaCCI Board Member Presents Research at UK Competition Agency

MaCCI board member Bernhard Ganglmair presented his work on mergers and the effects on innovation in London, UK, at the Competition & Market Authority, the competition agency in the United Kingdom.

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Eleventh MaCCI Law and Economics Conference

On 10 and 11 November 2022, the eleventh MaCCI Law and Economics Conference took place in Mannheim. The conference, organized by MaCCI Senior Member Jens-Uwe Franck and MaCCI Advisory Board Member Heike Schweitzer, focused on the twentieth anniversary of Regulation 1/2003 and raised the question of…

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MaCCI Members Contribute to ACE Conference

MaCCI members Helena Perrone and Martin Peitz participated in the Annual Conference of the Association of Competition Economics (ACE) in Lisbon, 17-18 November. Helena Perrone commented on the Arm-Nvidia vertical merger case; Martin Peitz contributed to a plenary panel on net neutrality and the fair…

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Ninth ZEW/MaCCI Conference on the Economics of Innovation and Patenting

After a two-year COVID break, the 9th Conference on the Economics of Innovation and Patenting took place on 3 and 4 November at ZEW Mannheim. The conference covered a wide range of topics in the economics of innovation, digitalization, firm performance, technology transfer, and intellectual property…

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Economic Experts on Public Procurement Meet in Mannheim for the Fourth Time

On 27 and 28 October, 2022, the fourth edition of the ZEW Workshop “Economics of Public Procurement” took place at the premises of ZEW Mannheim. This year's edition was jointly organized with the University of Turku and the VATT Institute for Economic Research.

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New Research on the Effects of Cartels Presented at a Series of MaCCI/EPoS Seminars

On October 18, Mitsuru Igami (Yale University) and Jan De Loecker (KU Leuven) presented new empirical work on the effects of cartels. Prof. Igami's talk focused on the interplay between incentives to collude and incentives to innovate in a tractable dynamic-oligopoly model of the LCD panel industry.…

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MaCCI Member Speaks at Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum

MaCCI member Martin Peitz was a speaker at the Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum in the session on media mergers. The forum took place on 27-28 September in Rio de Janeiro.

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